Saturday, April 30, 2011


Hey Readers!

There are new updates to the publisher web-site. (click link)
Land Run Website

I had to come up with a photo to send in. Let me tell you - that was not easy! It seems that I am the family photographer. And evidently I am never alone!

As most everyone, I have been thinking about the tornadoes that have swept across the country these past weeks. These events are common to the setting of Land Run. But not as frequent with such force and numbers of twisters. I grew up in the very center of tornado activity in the nation but never personally knew anyone who had died from a storm. In Oklahoma we had the latest in weather monitoring technology and alerting systems (first in the nation to have doppler radar). And of course, you can see anything coming from anywhere there. April to June everyone is cognizant of the Spring storms. In Oklahoma, tornadoes are like sin - never a matter of IF but instead - WHEN. But about these that came across the South - a friend informed me of some of his family who did perish in the storms last week. The destruction was incredible. Just want to encourage folks to pray for these communities.

Anyway, here is a current list of places to purchase the book - even now before the 'official' release date. (click links)


Barnes and Noble


Cokesbury Books

Powells Books

Tate Publishing

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