Monday, June 27, 2011

Cable Can't Touch This!

I live very much in 'the country' nowadays.  In exploring our community the past few years we have connected with many wonderful folks.  Among other things, we have learned how to access local food providers (really healthy stuff).  And we have also become steady and returning visitors of many county events and festivals.

This year I have been discovering the local arts community.  I had no idea!  There are only 13,000 people in my whole county.  But the artists congregate regularly from surrounding areas to showcase their talents.  And in some cases have been so nice as to allow me to do a few readings from Land Run

I have met musicians, writers, and artists who have spent their whole lives entertaining others in our community.  The other night I watched an elderly man, with a belt full of harmonicas, play songs you know and some he made up himself.  In between sets he told some stories and poems that had me laughing SO hard.  The jokes were probably older than him but so fresh in the telling.

Anyhow, I just want to send out an encouragement to you to check these things out in your own communities.  They are surely out there and you will be so glad you did!

 -  Sometimes your local arts council is a great place to start.

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